Laboratory for Computational Vision

Selected Online Publications

Lab(s):Movshon LabKiorpes LabBoth Labs
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Lieber, J, Lee, G, Majaj, N and Movshon, JA. Sensitivity to naturalistic texture relies primarily on high spatial frequencies. Journal of Vision, 23(2):4, 2023.
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Raghavan, RT, Kelly, J, Hasse, JM and Movshon, JA. Contrast and Luminance Gain Control in the Macaque's Lateral Geniculate Nucleus. Eneuro, 10(3) 2023.
Abstract | PDF

Movshon, JA. Horace Basil Barlow (1921-2020). Perception, 50(2):183-192, 2021.
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Levy, P, Sokol, S, Simoncelli E, and Movshon, JA. Differing mechanisms for contrast-dependent spatial frequency selectivity in macaque LGN and V1 neurons. Journal of Vision, 20(11):1579—1579, 2020.

Ramesh, P, Steele, M and Kiorpes, L. Attention in visually typical and amblyopic children. Journal of Vision, 20(3):11-11, 2020.
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Raghavan, RT, Movshon, JA and Chichilnisky, E. Decoding of retinal motion signals by cells in macaque MT. Journal of Vision, 19(10):165b-165b, 2019.

Lee, GM, Seibert, DA, Majaj, NJ, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Sensitivity of inferotemporal cortex to naturalistic image statistics in developing macaques. Journal of Vision, 19(10):124—124, 2019.

Ziemba, C, Perez, RK, Pai, J, Hallum, LE, Shooner, C, Kelly, JG and Movshon, JA. Laminar differences in responses to naturalistic texture in macaque V1 and V2. bioRxiv, :692533, 2019.
Abstract | PDF

Zaharia, AD, Goris, RL, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Compound stimuli reveal the structure of visual motion selectivity in macaque MT neurons. eNeuro, 6(6) 2019.
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Acar, K, Kiorpes, L, Movshon, JA and Smith, MA. Altered functional interactions between neurons in primary visual cortex of macaque monkeys with experimental amblyopia. bioRxiv, :604009, 2019.
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Movshon, JA and Wallisch, P. Responses of neurons in macaque MT to unikinetic plaids. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2019.
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Kiorpes, L. Understanding the development of amblyopia using macaque monkey models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(52):26217—26223, 2019.
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Ziemba, CM, Freeman, J, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Contextual modulation of sensitivity to naturalistic image structure in macaque V2. Journal of Neurophysiology, 120:409—420, 2018.
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Pham, A, Carrasco, M and Kiorpes, L. Endogenous attention improves perception in amblyopic macaques. Journal of Vision, 18(3):1—13, 2018.
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Goris, RLT, Ziemba, CM, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Slow gain fluctuations limit benefits of temporal integration in visual cortex. Journal of Vision, 18(8):1—18, 2018.
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Kiorpes, L and Daw, N. Cortical correlates of amblyopia. Visual Neuroscience, 35(E016):1—5, 2018.
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Kelly, J, Shooner, C, Hallum, L, Hawken, M and Movshon, JA. Contrast gain control and functional architecture in macaque V1. Journal of Vision, 18(10):246—246, 2018.

Van Grootel, TJ, Meeson, A, Munk, MHJ, Kourtzi, Z, Movshon, JA, Logothetis, NK and Kiorpes, L. Development of visual cortical function in infant macaques: a BOLD fMRI study. PloS One, 12(11):1—29, 2017.
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Nayar, K, Voyles, AC, Kiorpes, L and Di Martino, A. Global and local visual processing in autism: An objective assessment approach. Autism Research, 10(8):1392—1404, 2017.
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Shooner, C, Hallum, LE, Kumbhani, RD, Garcia-Marin, V, Kelly, JG, Majaj, NJ, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Asymmetric dichoptic masking in visual cortex of amblyopic macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(36):8734—8741, 2017.
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Hallum, LE, Shooner, C, Kumbhani, RD, Kelly, JG, Garcia-Marin, V, Majaj, NJ, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Altered balance of receptive field excitation and suppression in visual cortex of amblyopic macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(34):8216—8226, 2017.
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Goris, RLT, Ziemba, CM, Stine, GM, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Dissociation of choice formation and choice-correlated activity in macaque visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(20):5195—5203, 2017.
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McKee, SP, Levi, DM, Schor, CM and Movshon, JA. Saccadic latency in amblyopia. Journal of Vision, 16(5):3—3, 2016.

Jennings, C, Landman, R, Zhou, Y, Sharma, J, Hyman, J, Movshon, JA, Qiu, Z, Roberts, A, Roe, AW and Wang, X. Opportunities and challenges in modeling human brain disorders in transgenic primates. Nature Neuroscience, 19(9):1123—1130, 2016.
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Roberts, M, Cymerman, R, Smith, RT, Kiorpes, L and Carrasco, M. Covert spatial attention is functionally intact in amblyopic human adults. Journal of Vision, 16(15):30—30, 2016.

Voyles, AC and Kiorpes, L. A Window into brain development: hdEEG methods to track visual development in nonhuman primates. Developmental Neurobiology, 76(12):1342—1359, 2016.
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Kumbhani, RD, El-Shamayleh, Y and Movshon, JA. Temporal and spatial limits of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque MT neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(7):1977—1988, 2015.
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Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Representation of naturalistic image structure in the primate visual cortex. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, vol.79 pp. 115—122, 2015.
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Goris, RLT, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Origin and function of tuning diversity in macaque visual cortex. Neuron, 88(4):819—831, 2015.
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Vintch, B, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. A convolutional subunit model for neuronal responses in macaque V1. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(44):14829—14841, 2015.
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Belmonte, JCI, Callaway, EM, Caddick, SJ, Churchland, PS, Feng, G, Homanics, GE, Lee, K, Leopold, DA, Miller, CT, Mitchell, JF, Mitalipov, S, Moutri, AR and Movshon, JA. Brains, genes, and primates. Neuron, 86(3):617—631, 2015.
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Van Grootel, TJ and Kiorpes, L. Neuronal response properties in area MT of an awake amblyopic macaque monkey. Journal of Vision, 15(12):651—651, 2015.

Kiorpes, L and Mangal, P. "Global" visual training and extent of transfer in amblyopic macaque monkeys. Journal of Vision, 15(10):14—14, 2015.
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Thompson, B, Chung, STL, Kiorpes, L, Ledgeway, T and McGraw, PV. A window into visual cortex development and recovery of vision. Vision Research, 114:1—3, 2015.
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Nayar, K, Franchak, J, Adolph, KE and Kiorpes, L. From local to global processing: The development of illusory contour perception. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 131:38—55, 2015.
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Shooner, C, Hallum, LE, Kumbhani, RD, Ziemba, CM, Garcia-Marin, V, Kelly, JG, Majaj, NJ, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Population representation of visual information in areas V1 and V2 of amblyopic macaques. Vision Research, 114:56—67, 2015.
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Kiorpes, L. Visual development in primates: neural mechanisms and critical periods. Developmental Neurobiology, 75(10):1080—1090, 2015.
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Hallum, LE and Movshon, JA. Surround suppression supports second-order feature encoding by macaque V1 and V2 neurons. Vision Research, 104:24—35, 2014.
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Sejnowski, TJ, Churchland, PS and Movshon, JA. Putting big data to good use in neuroscience. Nature neuroscience, 17(11):1440—1441, 2014.
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Goris, RLT, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Partitioning neuronal variability. Nature Neuroscience, 17(6):858—865, 2014.
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Ghomashchi, A, Zheng, Z, Majaj, NJ, Trumpis, M, Kiorpes, L and Viventi, J. A low-cost, open-source, wireless electrophysiology system. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3138—3141, 2014.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Neural limitations on visual development in primates: Beyond striate cortex.Book Chapter
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Ecker, AS and Tolias, AS. Is there signal in the noise?. Nature Neuroscience, 17:750—751, 2014.
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Movshon, JA. Three comments on Teller's "bridge locus". Visual Neuroscience, 30:219, 2013.
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El-Shamayleh, Y, Kumbhani, RD, Dhruv, NT and Movshon, JA. Visual response properties of V1 neurons projecting to V2 in macaque. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(42):16594—16605, 2013.
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Merriam, EP, Gardner, JL, Movshon, JA and Heeger, DJ. Modulation of visual responses by gaze direction in human visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(24):9879—9889, 2013.
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Freeman, J, Ziemba, CM, Heeger, DJ, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. A functional and perceptual signature of the second visual area in primates. Nature Neuroscience, 16(7):974—981, 2013.
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Kiorpes, L, Dobkins, K and Mendola, JD. Linking hypotheses in visual neuroscience. Visual Neuroscience, 30(5-6):183—184, 2013.
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Li, D, Hagan, MA and Kiorpes, L. Linking structure and function: Development of lateral spatial interactions in macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 30(5-6):263—270, 2013.
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Vintch, B, Zaharia, A, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Efficient and direct estimation of a neural subunit model for sensory coding. Advances in neural information processing systems, pp. 3104—3112, 2012.
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Goris, RLT, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Using a doubly-stochastic model to analyze neuronal activity in the visual cortex. Cosyne Abstracts, 2012.

Jazayeri, M, Wallisch, P and Movshon, JA. Dynamics of macaque MT cell responses to grating triplets. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(24):8242—8253, 2012.
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Kiorpes, L, Price, TA, Hall-Haro, C and Movshon, JA. Development of sensitivity to global form and motion in macaque monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Vision Research, 63:34—42, 2012.
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Hedges, JH, Gartshteyn, Y, Kohn, A, Rust, NC, Shadlen, MN, Newsome, WT and Movshon, JA. Dissociation of neuronal and psychophysical responses to local and global motion. Current Biology, 21(23):2023—2028, 2011.
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Levi, DM, McKee, SP and Movshon, JA. Visual deficits in anisometropia. Vision Research, 51(1):48—57, 2011.
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El-Shamayleh, Y and Movshon, JA. Neuronal responses to texture-defined form in macaque visual area V2. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(23):8543—8555, 2011.
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Graf, AB, Kohn, A, Jazayeri, M and Movshon, JA. Decoding the activity of neuronal populations in macaque primary visual cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 14(2):239—245, 2011.
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Schütz, AC, Braun, DI, Movshon, JA and Gegenfurtner, KR. Does the noise matter? Effects of different kinematogram types on smooth pursuit eye movements and perception. Journal of Vision, 10(13):26—26, 2010.
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Tailby, C, Majaj, NJ and Movshon, JA. Binocular integration of pattern motion signals by MT neurons and by human observers. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(21):7344—7349, 2010.
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El-Shamayleh, Y, Kiorpes, L, Kohn, A and Movshon, JA. Visual motion processing by neurons in area MT of macaque monkeys with experimental amblyopia. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(36):12198—12209, 2010.
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Churchland, MM, Yu, BM, Cunningham, JP, Sugrue, LP, Cohen, MR, Corrado, GS, Newsome, WT, Clark, AM, Hosseini, P, Scott, BB, Bradley, DC, Smith, MA, Kohn, A and Movshon, JA. Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon. Nature Neuroscience, 13(1):369—378, 2010.
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Kiorpes, L, von Trapp, G, Pham, A, Lingeman, J, Soska, K, Adolph, KE, von Hofsten, C and Rosander, K. Developmental studies of visual-motor integration: A comparative approach. Journal of Vision, 10(7):1078—1078, 2010.

Feltner, KA, Nayar, K, Adolph, KE and Kiorpes, L. Kanizsa illusory contour perception in children: a novel approach using eye-tracking. Journal of Vision, 10(7):1157—1157, 2010.

Feltner, KA and Kiorpes, L. Global visual processing in macaques studied using Kanizsa illusory shapes. Visual Neuroscience, 27(3-4):131—138, 2010.
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El-Shamayleh, Y, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Development of sensitivity to visual texture modulation in macaque monkeys. Journal of Vision, 10(11):11—11, 2010.
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Rislove, EM, Hall, EC, Stavros, KA and Kiorpes, L. Scale-dependent loss of global form perception in strabismic amblyopia. Journal of Vision, 10(12):25—25, 2010.
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Stocker, AA, Majaj, NJ, Tailby, C, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Decoding velocity from population responses in area MT of the macaque. Journal of Vision, 9(8):741—741, 2009.

Smith, MA, Majaj, NJ and Movshon, JA. Dynamics of pattern motion computation.Book Chapter
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Chukoskie, L and Movshon, JA. Modulation of visual signals in macaque MT and MST neurons during pursuit eye movement. Journal of Neurophysiology, 102(6):3225—3233, 2009.
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Feltner, KA and Kiorpes, L. Developmental onset of illusory form perception in pigtailed macaque monkeys. Journal of Vision, 9(8):908—908, 2009.

Wallisch, P and Movshon, JA. Structure and function come unglued in the visual cortex. Neuron, 60(2):195—197, 2008.
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Gardner, JL, Merriam, EP, Movshon, JA and Heeger, DJ. Maps of visual space in human occipital cortex are retinotopic, not spatiotopic. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(15):3988—3999, 2008.
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Kiorpes, L. Macaque models of visual development and disability.Book Chapter
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Hall-Haro, C, Johnson, SP, Price, TA, Vance, JA and Kiorpes, L. Development of object concepts in macaque monkeys. Developmental Psychobiology, 50(3):278—287, 2008.
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Hall-Haro, C and Kiorpes, L. Normal development of pattern motion sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 25(5-6):675—684, 2008.
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Stavros, KA and Kiorpes, L. Behavioral measurement of temporal contrast sensitivity development in macaque monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Vision Research, 48(11):1335—1344, 2008.
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Pesaran, B and Movshon, JA. What to do, or how to do it?. Neuron, :301—303, 2008.
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Corey, DP and Movshon, JA. Sensory systems: from molecules to percepts. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18(4):355—356, 2008.
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Majaj, NJ, Stocker, AA, Tailby, C, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. The effect of contrast on velocity encoding in macaque area MT. Meeting of Computational and Systems Neuroscience, Salt Lake City, Utah, March, pp. 5—8, 2007.

Majaj, NJ, Tailby, C and Movshon, JA. Motion opponency in area MT of the macaque is mostly monocular. Journal of Vision, 7(9):96—96, 2007.

Jazayeri, M and Movshon, JA. Integration of sensory evidence in motion discrimination. Journal of Vision, 7(12):7—7, 2007.
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Smith, MA, Kohn, A and Movshon, JA. Glass pattern responses in macaque V2 neurons. Journal of Vision, 7(3):5—5, 2007.
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Jazayeri, M and Movshon, JA. A new perceptual illusion reveals mechanisms of sensory decoding. Nature, 446(7138):912—915, 2007.
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Kelly, RC, Smith, MA, Samonds, JM, Kohn, A, Bonds, A, Movshon, JA and Lee, TS. Comparison of recordings from microelectrode arrays and single electrodes in the visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2):261—264, 2007.
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Majaj, NJ, Carandini, M and Movshon, JA. Motion integration by neurons in macaque MT is local, not global. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(2):366—370, 2007.
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Kiorpes, L and Stavros, KA. Development of temporal contrast sensitivity in monkeys. Journal of Vision, 7(9):543—543, 2007.

El-Shamayleh, Y, Kohn, A, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Response properties of MT neurons in amblyopic macaques. Journal of Vision, 7(9):392—392, 2007.

Smith, MA, Bair, W and Movshon, JA. Dynamics of suppression in macaque primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(18):4826—4834, 2006.
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Priebe, NJ, Lisberger, SG and Movshon, JA. Tuning for spatiotemporal frequency and speed in directionally selective neurons of macaque striate cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(11):2941—2950, 2006.
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Jazayeri, M and Movshon, JA. Optimal representation of sensory information by neural populations. Nature Neuroscience, 9(5):690—696, 2006.
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Rust, NC, Mante, V, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. How MT cells analyze the motion of visual patterns. Nature Neuroscience, 9(1):1421—1431, 2006.
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Kourtzi, Z, Augath, M, Logothetis, NK, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Development of visually evoked cortical activity in infant macaque monkeys studied longitudinally with fMRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24(4):359—366, 2006.
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Kiorpes, L, Tang, C and Movshon, JA. Sensitivity to visual motion in amblyopic macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 23(02):247—256, 2006.
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Kiorpes, L. Visual processing in amblyopia: animal studies. Strabismus, 14(1):3—10, 2006.
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Carandini, M. What simple and complex cells compute. Journal of Physiology, 577(2):463—466, 2006.
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Rust, NC, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Neurons in MT compute pattern direction by pooling excitatory and suppressive inputs. Journal of Vision, 5(8):83—83, 2005.

Lennie, P and Movshon, JA. Coding of color and form in the geniculostriate visual pathway (invited review). Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22(10):2013—2033, 2005.
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Rust, NC and Movshon, JA. In praise of artifice. Nature Neuroscience, 8(12):1647—1650, 2005.
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Smith, MA, Majaj, NJ and Movshon, JA. Dynamics of motion signaling by neurons in macaque area MT. Nature Neuroscience, 8(2):220—228, 2005.
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Rust, NC, Shwartz, O, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Spatiotemporal elements of macaque V1 receptive fields. Neuron, 46(6):945—956, 2005.
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El-Shamayleh, Y, Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Different aspects of form perception develop at different rates. Journal of Vision, 5(8):220—220, 2005.

Movshon, JA, Kiorpes, L, Hawken, MJ and Cavanaugh, JR. Functional maturation of the macaque's lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience, 25(10):2712—2722, 2005.
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Rust, NC, Schwartz, O, Movshon, JA and Simoncelli, EP. Spike-triggered characterization of excitatory and suppressive stimulus dimensions in monkey V1. Neurocomputing, 58:793—799, 2004.
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Bair, W and Movshon, JA. Adaptive temporal integration of motion in direction-selective neurons in macaque visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 24(33):7305—7323, 2004.
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Kohn, A and Movshon, JA. Adaptation changes the direction tuning of macaque MT neurons. Nature Neuroscience, 7(7):764—772, 2004.
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Kourtzi, Z, Augath, M, Logothetis, NK, Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Development of global form and motion perception in monkeys studied with fMRI. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2004.

Kiorpes, L. Critical periods in visual development: implications for amblyopia. Journal of Vision, 4(11):31—31, 2004.

Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Development of sensitivity to visual motion in macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 21(06):851—859, 2004.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Neural limitations on visual development in primates.Book Chapter
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Movshon, JA, Albright, TD, Stoner, GR, Majaj, NJ and Smith, MA. Cortical responses to visual motion in alert and anesthetized monkeys. Nature Neuroscience, 6(1):3—3, 2003.
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Kohn, A and Movshon, JA. Neuronal adaptation to visual motion in area MT of the macaque. Neuron, 39(4):681—691, 2003.
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Bair, W, Cavanaugh, JR and Movshon, JA. Time course and time-distance relationships for surround suppression in macaque V1 neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 23(20):7690—7701, 2003.
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McKee, SP, Levi, DM and Movshon, JA. The pattern of visual deficits in amblyopia. Journal of vision, 3(5):5—5, 2003.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Differential development of form and motion perception in monkeys. Journal of Vision, 3(9):204—204, 2003.

Kiorpes, L, Tang, C, Hawken, MJ and Movshon, JA. Ideal observer analysis of the development of spatial contrast sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Journal of Vision, 3(10):6—6, 2003.
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Kiorpes, L and Bassin, SA. Development of contour integration in macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 20(05):567—575, 2003.
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Kozma, P and Kiorpes, L. Contour integration in amblyopic monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 20(05):577—588, 2003.
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Wandell, BA and Movshon, JA. Cognitive neuroscience: Editorial overview. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 13:141—143, 2003.
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Cavanaugh, JR, Bair, W and Movshon, JA. Selectivity and spatial distribution of signals from the receptive field surround in macaque V1 neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2002.
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Majaj, NJ, Smith, MA, Kohn, A, Bair, W and Movshon, JA. A role for terminators in motion processing by macaque MT neurons?. Journal of Vision, 2(7):415—415, 2002.

Rust, NC, Schultz, SR and Movshon, JA. A reciprocal relationship between reliability and responsiveness in developing visual cortical neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(24):10519—10523, 2002.
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Smith, MA, Bair, W and Movshon, JA. Signals in macaque striate cortical neurons that support the perception of glass patterns. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(18):8334—8345, 2002.
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Bair, W, Cavanaugh, JR, Smith, MA and Movshon, JA. The timing of response onset and offset in macaque visual neurons. Journal of Neuroscience, 22(8):3189—3205, 2002.
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Cavanaugh, JR, Bair, W and Movshon, JA. Nature and interaction of signals from the receptive field center and surround in macaque V1 neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology, 88(5):2530—2546, 2002.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Extended developmental time course for global visual functions in primates. Journal of Vision, 2(10):47—47, 2002.

Kiorpes, L. Sensory processing: animal models of amblyopia.Book Chapter
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Levitt, JB, Schumer, RA, Sherman, SM, Spear, PD and Movshon, JA. Visual response properties of neurons in the LGN of normally reared and visually deprived macaque monkeys. Journal of Neurophysiology, 85(5):2111—2129, 2001.
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Fenstemaker, SB, Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Effects of experimental strabismus on the architecture of macaque monkey striate cortex. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 438(3):300—317, 2001.
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Carandini, M, Heeger, DJ and Movshon, JA. Linearity and gain control in V1 simple cells.Book Chapter
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Lisberger, SG and Movshon, JA. Visual motion analysis for pursuit eye movements in area MT of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 19(6):2224—2246, 1999.
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Shadlen, MN and Movshon, JA. Synchrony unbound: a critical evaluation of the temporal binding hypothesis. Neuron, 24(1):67—77, 1999.
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Kiorpes, L, Tang, C and Movshon, JA. Factors limiting contrast sensitivity in experimentally amblyopic macaque monkeys. Vision Research, 39(25):4152—4160, 1999.
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Kiorpes, L and McKee, SP. Neural mechanisms underlying amblyopia. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 9(4):480—486, 1999.
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O'Keefe, LP, Levitt, JB, Kiper, DC, Shapley, RM and Movshon, JA. Functional organization of owl monkey lateral geniculate nucleus and visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 80(2):594—609, 1998.
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Carandini, M, Movshon, JA and Ferster, D. Pattern adaptation and cross-orientation interactions in the primary visual cortex. Neuropharmacology, 37(4):501—511, 1998.
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O'Keefe, LP and Movshon, JA. Processing of first-and second-order motion signals by neurons in area MT of the macaque monkey. Visual Neuroscience, 15(02):305—317, 1998.
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Murphy, KM, Jones, DG, Fenstemaker, SB, Pegado, VD, Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Spacing of cytochrome oxidase blobs in visual cortex of normal and strabismic monkeys. Cerebral Cortex, 8(3):237—244, 1998.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Peripheral and central factors limiting the development of contrast sensitivity in macaque monkeys. Vision Research, 38(1):61—70, 1998.
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Kiorpes, L, Kiper, DC, O'Keefe, LP, Cavanaugh, JR and Movshon, JA. Neuronal correlates of amblyopia in the visual cortex of macaque monkeys with experimental strabismus and anisometropia. Journal of Neuroscience, 18(16):6411—6424, 1998.
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Bair, W, Cavanaugh, JR and Movshon, JA. Reconstructing stimulus velocity from neuronal responses in area MT. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, :34—40, 1997.
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Carandini, M, Barlow, HB, O'Keefe, LP, Poirson, AB and Movshon, JA. Adaptation to contingencies in macaque primary visual cortex. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 352(1358):1149—1154, 1997.
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Carandini, M, Heeger, DJ and Movshon, JA. Linearity and normalization in simple cells of the macaque primary visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 17(21):8621—8644, 1997.
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Horton, JC, Hocking, DR and Kiorpes, L. Pattern of ocular dominance columns and cytochrome oxidase activity in a macaque monkey with naturally occurring anisometropic amblyopia. Visual Neuroscience, 14(04):681—689, 1997.
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Carandini, M, Mechler, F, Leonard, CS and Movshon, JA. Spike train encoding by regular-spiking cells of the visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 76(5):3425—3441, 1996.
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Kiper, DC, Gegenfurtner, KR and Movshon, JA. Cortical oscillatory responses do not affect visual segmentation. Vision Research, 36(4):539—544, 1996.
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Heeger, DJ, Simoncelli, EP and Movshon, JA. Computational models of cortical visual processing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 93(2):623—627, 1996.
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Movshon, JA and Newsome, WT. Visual response properties of striate cortical neurons projecting to area MT in macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 16(23):7733—7741, 1996.
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Shadlen, MN, Britten, KH, Newsome, WT and Movshon, JA. A computational analysis of the relationship between neuronal and behavioral responses to visual motion. Journal of Neuroscience, 16(4):1486—1510, 1996.
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Britten, KH, Newsome, WT, Shadlen, MN, Celebrini, S and Movshon, JA. A relationship between behavioral choice and the visual responses of neurons in macaque MT. Visual Neuroscience, 13(1):87—100, 1996.
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Kiorpes, L and Kiper, DC. Development of contrast sensitivity across the visual field in macaque monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Vision Research, 36(2):239—247, 1996.
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Kiorpes, L, Walton, PJ, O'Keefe, LP, Movshon, JA and Lisberger, SG. Effects of early-onset artificial strabismus on pursuit eye movements and on neuronal responses in area MT of macaque monkeys. Journal of Neuroscience, 16(20):6537—6553, 1996.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Amblyopia: A developmental disorder of the central visual pathways. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 61:39—48, 1996.
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Kiorpes, L. Development of contrast sensitivity in normal and amblyopic monkeys.Book Chapter
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Kiper, DC, Gegenfurtner, KR and Kiorpes, L. Spatial frequency channels in experimentally strabismic monkeys revealed by oblique masking. Vision Research, 35(19):2737—2742, 1995.
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Blasdel, GG, Obermayer, K and Kiorpes, L. Organization of ocular dominance and orientation columns in the striate cortex of neonatal macaque monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 12(3):589—603, 1995.
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Kiorpes, L and Wallman, J. Does experimentally-induced amblyopia cause hyperopia in monkeys?. Vision Research, 35(9):1289—1297, 1995.
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Gegenfurtner, KR, Kiper, DC, Beusmans, JM, Carandini, M, Zaidi, Q and Movshon, JA. Chromatic properties of neurons in macaque MT. Visual Neuroscience, 11(03):455—466, 1994.
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Levitt, JB, Kiper, DC and Movshon, JA. Receptive fields and functional architecture of macaque V2. Journal of Neurophysiology, 71(6):2517—2542, 1994.
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Obermayer, K, Kiorpes, L and Blasdel, GG. Development of orientation and ocular dominance columns in infant macaques. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, :543—543, 1994.
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Kiper, DC and Kiorpes, L. Suprathreshold contrast sensitivity in experimentally strabismic monkeys. Vision Research, 34(12):1575—1583, 1994.
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Lisberger, SG and Movshon, JA. A different approach to modelling pursuit eye movements. Contemporary Ocular Motor and Vestibular Research: A Tribute to David A. Robinson, pp. 304—311, 1994.
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Britten, KH, Shadlen, MN, Newsome, WT and Movshon, JA. Responses of neurons in macaque MT to stochastic motion signals. Visual Neuroscience, 10(06):1157—1169, 1993.
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Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Biological limits on visual development in primates.Book Chapter
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Kiorpes, L, Kiper, DC and Movshon, JA. Contrast sensitivity and vernier acuity in amblyopic monkeys. Vision Research, 33(16):2301—2311, 1993.
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McKee, SP, Schor, CM, Steinman, SB, Wilson, N, Koch, GG, Davis, SM, Hsu-Winges, C, Day, SH, Chan, CL and Movshon, JA. The classification of amblyopia on the basis of visual and oculomotor performance. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, 90:123, 1992.
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Movshon, JA and Newsome, WT. Neural foundations of visual motion perception. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 1(1):35—39, 1992.
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Britten, KH, Shadlen, MN, Newsome, WT and Movshon, JA. The analysis of visual motion: a comparison of neuronal and psychophysical performance. Journal of Neuroscience, 12(12):4745—4765, 1992.
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Kiorpes, L. Effect of strabismus on the development of vernier acuity and grating acuity in monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 9(3-4):253—259, 1992.
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Kiorpes, L. Development of vernier acuity and grating acuity in normally reared monkeys. Visual Neuroscience, 9(3-4):243—251, 1992.
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Landy, MS and Movshon, JA. Computational models of visual processing.Book

Skotton, BC, De Valois, RL, Grosof, DH, Movshon, JA, Albrecht, DG and Bonds, A. Classifying simple and complex cells on the basis of response modulation. Vision Research, 31(7-8):1078—1086, 1991.
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Gizzi, MS, Katz, E and Movshon, JA. Spatial and temporal analysis by neurons in the representation of the central visual field in the cat's lateral suprasylvian visual cortex. Visual Neuroscience, 5(05):463—468, 1990.
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Gizzi, MS, Katz, E, Schumer, RA and Movshon, JA. Selectivity for orientation and direction of motion of single neurons in cat striate and extrastriate visual cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 63(6):1529—1543, 1990.
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Newsome, WT, Britten, KH, Salzman, CD and Movshon, JA. Neuronal mechanisms of motion perception. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 55:697—705, 1990.
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Movshon, JA, Lisberger, SG and Krauzlis, RJ. Visual cortical signals supporting smooth pursuit eye movements. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 55:707—716, 1990.
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Levitt, JB, Sanchez, RM, Smith III, EL and Movshon, JA. Spatio-temporal interactions and the spatial phase preferences of visual neurons. Experimental Brain Research, 80:441—445, 1990.
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Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. The role of experience in visual development.Book Chapter

Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. The behavioral analysis of visual development.Book Chapter
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Downing, CJ and Movshon, JA. Spatial and temporal summation in the detection of motion in stochastic random dot displays. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 30:72, 1989.
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Anderson, PA and Movshon, JA. Binocular combination of contrast signals. Vision Research, 29(9):1115—1132, 1989.
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Newsome, WT, Britten, KH and Movshon, JA. Neuronal correlates of a perceptual decision. Nature, 341(6237):52—54, 1989.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. Differential development of two visual functions in primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 86(22):8998—9001, 1989.
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Newsome, WT, Britten, KH, Movshon, JA and Shadlen, MN. Single neurons and the perception of visual motion. Neural mechanisms of visual perception. Proceedings of the Retina Research Foundation Symposium, 2:171—192, 1989.
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Kiorpes, L, Carlson, MR and Alfi, D. The development of visual acuity in experimentally strabismic monkeys. Vision Science, 4(2):95—106, 1989.
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Kiorpes, L. The development of spatial resolution and contrast sensitivity in naturally strabismic monkeys. Vision Science, 4(4):279—293, 1989.
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Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L, Williams, RA and Teller, DY. Operant measurements of contrast sensitivity in infant macaque monkeys during normal development. Vision Research, 28(3):387—396, 1988.
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Movshon, JA and Kiorpes, L. Analysis of the development of spatial contrast sensitivity in monkey and human infants. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 5(12):2166—2172, 1988.
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Hendrickson, AE, Movshon, JA, Eggers, HM, Gizzi, MS, Boothe, RG and Kiorpes, L. Effects of early unilateral blur on the macaque's visual system. II. Anatomical observations. Journal of Neuroscience, 7(5):1327—1339, 1987.
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Movshon, JA, Eggers, HM, Gizzi, MS, Hendrickson, AE, Kiorpes, L and Boothe, RG. Effects of early unilateral blur on the macaque's visual system. III. Physiological observations. Journal of Neuroscience, 7(5):1340—1351, 1987.
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Kiorpes, L and Movshon, JA. The development of vernier acuity and spatial resolution in infant monkeys. Journal of Physiology, 396:141, 1987.

Kiorpes, L, Boothe, RG, Hendrickson, AE, Movshon, JA, Eggers, HM and Gizzi, MS. Effects of early unilateral blur on the macaque's visual system. I. Behavioral observations. Journal of Neuroscience, 7(5):1318—1326, 1987.
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Teller, DY and Movshon, JA. Visual development. Vision Research, 26(9):1483—1506, 1986.
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Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L and Carlson, MR. Studies of strabismus and amblyopia in infant monkeys. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 22(5):206—212, 1985.

Kiorpes, L, Boothe, RG, Carlson, MR and Alfi, D. Frequency of naturally occurring strabismus in monkeys. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 22(2):60—64, 1985.

Pasternak, T, Schumer, RA, Gizzi, MS and Movshon, JA. Abolition of visual cortical direction selectivity affects visual behavior in cats. Experimental Brain Research, 61:214—217, 1985.
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Kiorpes, L, Boothe, RG, Carlson, MR and Alfi, D. Frequency of naturally occuring strabismus in monkeys. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 2(2):60—64, 1985.
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Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L and Carlson, MR. Studies of strabismus and amblyopia in infant monkeys. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, 22(5):206—212, 1985.
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Schumer, RA and Movshon, JA. Length summation in simple cells of cat striate cortex. Vision Research, 24(6):565—571, 1984.
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Kiorpes, L and Boothe, RG. Accommodative range in amblyopic monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Vision Research, 24(12):1829—1834, 1984.
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Adelson, EH and Movshon, JA. The perception of coherent motion in two-dimensional patterns. Proceedings of the ACM Siggraph Interdisciplinary Workshop on Motion: Representation and Perception, pp. 11—16, 1983.
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Tolhurst, DJ, Movshon, JA and Dean, AF. The statistical reliability of signals in single neurons in cat and monkey visual cortex. Vision Research, 23(8):775—785, 1983.
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Arditi, AR, Kaufman, L and Movshon, JA. The induced effect: A reply to the arguments of Mayhew and Frisby. Vision Research, 23(6):665—668, 1983.
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Movshon, JA, Adelson, EH, Gizzi, MS and Newsome, WT. The analysis of moving visual patterns. Pontificate Academie Scientiarum Scripta Varia, 54, Study Week on Pattern Recognition Mechanisms:117—151, 1983.
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Adelson, EH and Movshon, JA. Phenomenal coherence of moving visual patterns. Nature, 300(5892):523—525, 1982.
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Kiorpes, L. The development of spatial vision in naturally strabismic monkeys.Book

Howland, H, Boothe, RG and Kiorpes, L. Accomodative defocus does not limit development of acuity in infant Macaca nemestrina monkeys. Science, 215(4538):1409—1411, 1982.
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Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L, Regal, DM and Lee, CP. Development of visual responsiveness in Macaca nemestrina monkeys. Developmental Psychology, 18(5):665, 1982.
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Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L and Hendrickson, AE. Anisometropic amblyopia in Macaca nemestrina monkeys produced by atropinization of one eye during development. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 22(2):228—233, 1982.
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Kiorpes, L. The development of spatial vision in naturally strabismic monkeys. , 1982.

Pasternak, T, Movshon, JA and Merigan, WH. Creation of direction selectivity in adult strobe-reared cats. Nature, 292:834—836, 1981.
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Pasternak, T, Merigan, WH and Movshon, JA. Motion mechanisms in strobe-reared cats: Psychophysical and electrophysical measures. Acta Psychologica, 48(1-3):321—332, 1981.
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Arditi, AR, Anderson, PA and Movshon, JA. Monocular and binocular detection of moving sinusoidal gratings. Vision Research, 21(3):329—336, 1981.
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Movshon, JA and Van Sluyters, RC. Visual neural development. Annual Review of Psychology, 32(1):477—522, 1981.
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Kiorpes, L and Boothe, RG. Naturally occurring strabismus in monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 20(2):257—263, 1981.
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Williams, RA, Boothe, RG, Kiorpes, L and Teller, DY. Oblique effects in normally reared monkeys (Macaca nemestrina): meridional variations in contrast sensitivity measured with operant techniques. Vision Research, 21(8):1253—1266, 1981.
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Tolhurst, DJ, Movshon, JA and Thompson, ID. The dependence of response amplitude and variance of cat visual cortical neurones on stimulus contrast. Experimental Brain Research, 41:414—419, 1981.
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Arditi, AR, Kaufman, L and Movshon, JA. A simple explanation of the induced size effect. Vision Research, 21:755—764, 1981.
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Kiorpes, L and Boothe, RG. The time course for the development of strabismic amblyopia in infant monkeys (Macaca nemestrina). Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 19(7):841—845, 1980.
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Boothe, RG, Williams, RA, Kiorpes, L and Teller, DY. Development of contrast sensitivity in infant Macaca nemestrina monkeys. Science, 208(4449):1290—1292, 1980.
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Movshon, JA and Lennie, P. Pattern-selective adaptation in visual cortical neurones. Nature, 278(5707):850—852, 1979.
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Thompson, PG and Movshon, JA. Storage of spatially specific threshold elevation. Perception, 7:65—73, 1978.
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Movshon, JA, Thompson, ID and Tolhurst, DJ. Receptive field organization of complex cells in the cat's striate cortex. Journal of Physiology, 283:79, 1978.
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Movshon, JA, Thompson, ID and Tolhurst, DJ. Spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity of neurones in areas 17 and 18 of the cat's visual cortex. Journal of Physiology, 283(1):101—120, 1978.
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Movshon, JA, Thompson, ID and Tolhurst, DJ. Spatial summation in the receptive fields of simple cells in the cat's striate cortex. Journal of Physiology, 283:53, 1978.
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Movshon, JA. Hypercomplexities in the visual cortex. Nature, 272:305—306, 1978.
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Blakemore, C, Movshon, JA and Van Sluyters, RC. Modification of the kitten's visual cortex by exposure to spatially periodic patterns. Experimental Brain Research, 31(4):561—572, 1978.
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Movshon, JA and Dürsteler, MR. Effects of brief periods of unilateral eye closure on the kitten's visual system. Journal of Neurophysiology, 40(6):1255—1265, 1977.
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Mitchell, DE, Cynader, M and Movshon, JA. Recovery from the effects of monocular deprivation in kittens. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 176(1):53—63, 1977.
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Blakemore, C, Van Sluyters, RC and Movshon, JA. Synaptic competition in the kitten's visual cortex. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, 40(1):601—609, 1976.
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Movshon, JA. Reversal of the behavioural effects of monocular deprivation in the kitten. Journal of Physiology, 261(1):175—187, 1976.
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Movshon, JA. Reversal of the physiological effects of monocular deprivation in the kitten's visual cortex. The Journal of Physiology, 261(1):125—174, 1976.
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Dürsteler, MR, Garey, LJ and Movshon, JA. Reversal of the morphological effects of monocular deprivation in the kitten's lateral geniculate nucleus. Journal of Physiology, 261(1):189—210, 1976.
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Tolhurst, DJ and Movshon, JA. Spatial and temporal contrast sensitivity of striate cortical neurones. Nature, 257(5528):674—675, 1975.
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Movshon, JA. The velocity tuning of single units in cat striate cortex. Journal of Physiology, 249(3):445, 1975.
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Movshon, JA and Tolhurst, DJ. The use of a digital computer in the study of neuronal properties in the visual system. Journal of Physiology, 254:2—4, 1975.
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Movshon, JA and Tolhurst, DJ. On the response linearity of neurons in cat visual cortex. Journal of Physiology, 249:56—57P, 1975.
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Ginsburg, AP, Movshon, JA and Tolhurst, DJ. Periodicity in complex cell responses. Journal of Physiology, 1(254):69-70P, 1975.
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Movshon, JA and Blakemore, C. Functional reinnervation in kitten visual cortex. Nature, 251(5475):504—505, 1974.
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Movshon, JA. Velocity preferences of simple and complex cells in the cat's striate cortex. Journal of Physiology, 242:121—123, 1974.
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Blakemore, C, Donaghy, MJ, Maffei, L, Movshon, JA, Rose, D and Van Sluyters, RC. Evidence that nitrous oxide can maintain anaesthesia after induction with barbiturates. Journal of Physiology, 237(2):39-41P, 1973.
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Movshon, JA and Blakemore, C. Orientation specificity and spatial selectivity in human vision. Perception, 2:53—60, 1973.
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Movshon, JA, Chambers, BEI and Blakemore, C. Interocular transfer in normal humans, and those who lack stereopsis. Perception, 1:483—490, 1972.
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